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Articles of Organization
Establishment Directives for the Center for Taiwan Studies,
College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
June 1, 2011: Revised and approved during the 2nd meeting of the College of Liberal Arts College Affairs Council in the 2nd semester of the 2010/2011 academic year
July 19, 2011: Revised and approved during the 2678th meeting of the National Taiwan University Administrative Committee
June 5, 2013: Revised and approved during the 2nd meeting of the College of Liberal Arts College Affairs Council in the 2nd semester of the 2012/2013 academic year
July 2, 2013: Approved during the 2769th meeting of the National Taiwan University Administrative Committee
July 15, 2013: Effective upon announcement of the College of Liberal Arts
1. To integrate the personnel and academic resources relevant to Taiwan studies in both National Taiwan University (hereafter “the University”) and the University’s College of Liberal Arts, enhance the effectiveness of research, and promote academic exchange and cooperative research for fields pertaining to Taiwan studies both domestically and abroad, the College of Liberal Arts (hereafter “the College”) for the University will establish the Center for Taiwan Studies, College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University (hereafter “the Center”).
2. The tasks to be completed by the Center are as follows:
(1) The Center will promote interdisciplinary academic cooperation concerning Taiwan studies both domestically and abroad. In its preliminary stages, the Center will assemble academic resources and scholars relevant to Taiwan studies from the fields of literature, linguistics, history, ethnology, music, and art. In the future, the Center’s primary goal will center on integrating Taiwan studies conducted among the various academic disciplines at the University.
(2) The Center will encourage the internationalization of Taiwan studies and employ scholarly research and discussion, the publication of academic works, resource integration, the development of websites, and other methods to increase the influence of Taiwan studies in academic circles both domestically and abroad.
(3) The Center will encourage students and researchers to participate in the work of Taiwan studies.
(4) The Center will publish various book series on Taiwan studies.
3. The Center will be supervised by one Director who will oversee the various affairs at the Center. The Director will be selected by the Dean of the College from among all teachers in the College at the level of Associate Professor or above. The appointment will be approved by the President of the University. The Director will oversee Center affairs for a term of 3 years and can continue on to a second term if appropriate.
4. The Center will establish an “Advisory Board” composed of 5 to 9 members. The Dean of the College is an ex-officio member and the other members will be selected by the Dean of the College and the Director of the Center from among scholars in relevant fields and prominent community members. The members of the Board will be approved by the President of the University and will maintain their posts for 3 years and can extend their terms. The Convener of the Board will be selected by and from among the Board members and the Board must meet at least once every academic year.
5. The Center will establish an “Executive Committee,” in which the Director of the Center will act as an ex-officio member and the Convener. The other Committee members will consist of University professors recommended by the Director and approved by the Dean of the College. The term for Committee members will be 3 years and members can maintain their positions for more than one consecutive term. The Executive Committee will be responsible for the planning and execution of Center operations.
6. The Center can employ administrative personnel or recruit volunteers based on the requirements of the Center and through the decision of the Director and the Executive Committee.
7. The Establishment Directives will come into effect upon their approval by the College Affairs Council and the University Administrative Committee and on the day they are announced by the College.